Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Top Courses Played 2019

It what is becoming an annual tradition, I recap some of my favorite courses played during the year. Come along with me, won't you on this look back on 2019!

5. Seascape

When one thinks of NorCal golf, the mind is quickly drawn to courses like Pasatiempo but it would be foolish to sleep on a course like Seascape. The back 9 is outrageously good with interesting tee shots undulating fairways and fascinating greens. I am all about this course and can't wait to play it again!


4. Cabot Links

I love watching any golf tournament played on links golf courses. The sea, the wind, the fescue, give it to me all the time. The irony is I rarely play any links courses living in SoCal. So when I had an opportunity to play at Cabot this year, imagine my surprise that the Links course, well, was a links! I got my fill of wind and sea and you just feel so connected to the land playing this course.


3. Pasatiempo

The back 9 of Pasatiempo is one of the most intriguing 9s I have ever played. Sure all 18 holes have world class greens and bunkers but the back 9s routing I could play in 100 different ways and I WANT to play it 100 different ways. The 10th and 16th hole might be two of my favorite all time holes and I can't wait to get back there.


2. The Home Course

Sometimes there are courses that just speak to your soul. THC is one of those. If I lived in the Seattle/Tacoma area I would play here all the time and twice on Sundays. The routing on the front 9 is fantastic, the shots on the back side make you think and the course is in primo shape. Overall, one of my favorite courses in 2019 and just in general.


1. Cabot Cliffs

The Cliffs course simply smacks you in the face with routing, views and audacious golf design. It is over the top in the best way possible and I am here for it. Cabot (like its sister resort in Bandon) is a trek for most golfers but I highly recommend it just for this course alone. Truly worthy of being in the World Top 100.


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